PIM Buyer Information

Please select a link below for detailed instruction on Buyer-related processes:

A Buyer is someone who is a part of a company that is inviting a supplier (a company that provides goods or services) to use PIM.
Standard User: Can view their Supplier forms, run reports, download Supplier feedback reports, download blank forms, and search for Supplier partners.
Application Administrator: Can view Supplier forms, run reports, download Supplier feedback reports, download blank forms, search for Supplier partners, create/ manage groups of Suppliers, manage their PIM Buyer user roles, and deactivate/ activate  their Buyer PIM users. Please see the Buyer Administrator page to learn more about administrative functions.

Buyer Activities

Below find instructions on different Buyer-related processes in relation to their Suppliers. 

To locate a Supplier in PIM:
1. Select the Supplier Lookup in the top header.
2. In the Lookup by drop-down list, select to search by Org Name/ID or Form.
3. In the search box, enter relevant search criteria and click the Search button. A list of results display.
NOTE: If the required supplier does not display, there may be a name or spelling problem. Try other searches (ex: Lookup by Groups)
4. Once you locate the Supplier, select the Supplier’s name to see their profile and any forms they shared with your organization. 
5. Select the Map tab to see a geographical representation of the location of Suppliers matching your search results.
To view & download supplier forms:
1. Navigate to the Forms tab via the Recent Activities widget, the Supplier Lookup dashboard, the Form Activities widget, or the My Organization widget.
2. Click the hyperlinked form name to redirect to the Form Detail page.
– On the Forms tab, click the Export to Excel button to export a list of completed forms, and view the Status column to see the Supplier’s form status.
– The Form Details page displays how a Supplier responded to a questionnaire and how they scored. If a Supplier has not shared, completed, or submitted the form, you cannot click the form.

3. Click the percentage field or the View drop-down to view additional information, including how a Supplier answered a specific question for a specific section.
4.The Reports drop-down provides options to download a blank questionnaire or a Feedback Report on how a Supplier responded.
NOTE: You have the option to download a PDF or .CSV (Excel) file.

Supplier Statuses

Supplier Statuses
In the PIM Buyer view, the application displays Supplier statuses in multiple areas. Understanding statuses is an essential part of using the PIM application to interpret where your Supplier stands in terms of the following:
1. Status of a partner connection
2. Status of a form sharing request
3. Status of form submission.

In New Partners widget on your PIM dashboard, the Status column indicates the connection with a Supplier, and always displays as Accepted because you are currently working with these Suppliers in PIM.

In the Forms tab of your Organization Profile page, the Status column indicates the form sharing request and may include any of the following:
Pending: Indicates your organization sent a form sharing request to the specific Supplier, however, the request has not yet been Accepted or Denied by the supplier.  
Shared: Indicates the specific Supplier accepted to Share the requested form with your organization.
Denied: Indicates the specific Supplier Denied sharing the requested form with your organization. If a Supplier denied sharing a specific form with your organization, you may resubmit a sharing request at any time for another form, as well as the same form, as necessary.
Opted-Out: Indicates a Supplier decided to Opt-Out of sharing a specific form with your organization, which was previously shared.  This form is no longer be available for you to click on and view form details or scores.
Supplier LookUp
On the Supplier Lookup page, you have two ways to search for a supplier. Each available option returns a grid displaying a list of Suppliers with matching search criteria, which includes a Status column. The Supplier status displayed in each search type serves a unique purpose.

First option is to search by Org Name/Org ID. This returns a list of all Suppliers with an organization name matching the criteria you entered into the search. The Results grid includes a Status column, indicating your connection with a Supplier. If your organization invited this Supplier to PIM, the status displays as Accepted.

Second option is to search by the Form Name. This option allows you to search for all Suppliers from whom you requested a specific form. The Status column of the Results grid may display any of the following statuses:
– Created: This indicates the specific form has been assigned to the Supplier, however, that Supplier has not started the form completion process.
– In Progress: This indicates the Supplier started the form, not yet submitted, and therefore, you do not have permission to click on the form and view Supplier responses and scores.
– Submitted: This indicates the Supplier completed and submitted the form. You can click on any form with a Submitted status to view Supplier responses and scores.
Supplier Summary
The results grid on the Supplier Lookup page displays a column with a Summary link. Click the link to view the Supplier Summary window, which provides a list of any forms you requested from this specific Supplier and a status for each of the forms. The status displayed here may include any of the following:
– Shared: Indicates the specific Supplier accepted to Share the requested form with your organization.
a. If a form displays a Progress of 100% and scores are displayed for the form, you have the ability to click the specific Supplier form to view the form details.
b. If the form shows a status of Shared, however, does not have a 100% progress, you cannot click the form to view the form details until the Supplier submits the form.
– Denied: Indicates the specific Supplier Denied to share the requested form with your organization. If a supplier has denied sharing a specific form with your organization, you may resubmit a sharing request at any time for another form as well as the same form.
– Opted-out: Indicates a Supplier decided to opt-out of sharing a specific form with your organization, which was previously shared.  This form is no longer available for you to click on and view form details and scores.

Buyer Dashboard

Below learn how to navigate the Buyer portal using the various tabs and widgets.

Top Header Menu
This section provides additional information about each option displayed in the top header menu. Additionally, you can select the Partner Information Manager (PIM) application name to redirect back to this dashboard, regardless of where you are in the solution. You can also select the Exostar logo to open exostar.com.
My Org
This option, located in the top header menu, provides the following options and redirects to those specific tabs on the Organization Profile page:
1. Organization: This tab provides your organization’s general overview information.
2. Users: This tab provides a comprehensive list of all users within your organization with PIM access. If you are a Buyer Application Administrator, this tab also provides user management options.
3. Partners: This tab provides a comprehensive list of all connected Partners (Suppliers). Select the Partner Name to view additional details. 
4. Groups: This tab provides all group management options, as well as a comprehensive lists of all groups you created or Public Groups created by Application Administrators.
5. Forms: This tab provides a comprehensive list of all forms Suppliers shared with you, as well as that form’s status. If the form is shared, you can select the form name to redirect to the Form Details page to view Form Input
This icon navigates directly to the Reports homepage, listing all reports you have access to. Please see the Reports page for additional information.
Supplier LookUp
This icon opens the Supplier LookUp screen, which allows you to search Suppliers to whom you are connected. You also have the option to export your search results to Excel.
This icon opens the PIM Form Resources page, which provides resources per PIM form, including blank forms, completion instructions and resources, as well as scoring information.
This icon provides the following drop down options: PIM Online Help and PIM FAQs. Each options has a direct link to the help articles, providing additional information on process instructions and frequently asked questions.
This icon represents the number of alerts for your review. Click the icon to display a drop-down of alerts. Select View All to redirect to the Alerts page, containing alerts for the last 30 days, Dismiss All, or Dismiss one alert at a time. There is also a legend explaining the different alert types. To further manage:
1.  Select Settings via the Me drop-down.
2.  Navigate to the Alerts section. Modify the alert selections as desired, by choosing Yes or No.
3.  Click Save Changes.
This drop down menu provides an overview of account options, and is broken up into the following sections:
1. Buyer View or Supplier View: Select to toggle between the Supplier and Buyer views, if you have both business needs. 
2. Account Information: This section provides your organization name and ID, as well as your role. Select My Profile to update your account information.
3. Settings: Select this option to update Date/Time Format, Application View (Supplier or Buyer), as well as Alert and Email settings.
4. Logout: Selecting this logs you out of the PIM Application. 
Form Activities Widget
This widget provides a comprehensive list of requested forms and their status. If the Supplier completed the form, the form name becomes clickable and you can view the form input. You can also select the hyperlinked Partner Name to view additional details about that particular Supplier. 
New Partners Widget
This widget provides a list of all connected Suppliers and additional information about that connection. Please select the hyperlinked Partner Name to view additional details about that Supplier. 
Recent Activities Widget
This widget provides a 30-day timeline of all activities with a Buying Partner. Activities include:
– Status of Supplier organization’s response to an invitation
– Status of Supplier organization’s response to a questionnaire
– Status of Supplier’s acceptance or opting out of a questionnaire
– Indication when Supplier submits form

Invite to PIM

Inviting users to PIM is a Buyer Only function. 
Note to Lockheed Martin Buyers: At the time of completing the vendor registration process in Exostar TPM, the vendor user is requested to designate the Partner Information Manager Application Administrator who manages user access to PIM.

Invite a Supplier to PIM
To invite a Supplier organization or user to access and complete questionnaires in PIM:
1  Log into MAG as an Adoption Administrator and access the Adoption tab.
2  Please refer to the Adoption Administrator page for instructions on the following invitation scenarios:
a. New organization and new user
b. Existing organization and new user
c. Existing organization and existing user
d. Existing organization and no user details
e. Issue invite for sponsored credentials
3. When using the Adoption Module to subscribe a company to PIM, select the questionnaires (forms) to which you would like to invite them.

IMPORTANT: If a Supplier has already completed a form, as a Buyer, you will still have to request they complete certain forms via the Adoption Module. The Supplier will then receive a request in their Form Requests widget. Once they accept form sharing, you as the Buyer, will receive their existing results.
Updated on August 23, 2022

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